Thursday 22 August 2013

Food for skin whitning

White, pale skin that is flawless seems to be what every woman wants. And it doesn't matter whether you are African or Asian or European either. Everyone wants their skin to be lighter with as few blemishes as possible and many are willing to apply potentially life threatening whitening ingredients to their face like hydroquonine in order to have less skin flaws. But the good news is that there are natural more safe methods to handle skin issues and this includes skin whitening. In this article, I will go over some of the other methods that many women use world wide to whiten their skin and remove blemishes like freckles and age spots naturally.

Having white skin and soft is longed for many women. Not a few of women try various natural skin lightening or whitening products on the market like scrubs, moisturizers, masks, and other skin care methods. Apart from whitening products made from chemicals, we often advised to adopt healthy lifestyle, which is one of the best solutions to get natural skin that you can get by consuming foods such as:

1. Strawberry
It is rich in coenzyme that called Q10 and vitamin C, strawberry is antidote free radicals, slow aging agent, and quick help body to cleanse dead skin cells. Eating strawberries also make the body more quickly produce collagen.
2. Tomato
Tomato also has properties add the content of collagen in the skin. It will look bright and supple. Antioxidant in tomato is also potent to remove acne and wrinkle lines on the skin. This red vegetable is a rich source of lycopene (modified type of carotene) good for skin health, help lose weight and prevent cancer.
3. Olive oil
Pure olive oil is believed to make the skin softer glow than other oil types. It helps lubrication the skin and makes it look healthy glow.
4. Carrot
Carrot is rich in vitamin C and carotene. It is also known as one of the best vegetable that has many benefits for skin and hair. To obtain maximum results, consume carrots or carrot juice regularly.
5. Orange
We know this fruit is rich in vitamin C, which has the effect of lowering inflammation, help the skin look brighter and good for remove blackhead. Vitamin C also helps the absorption of vitamin E and iron in the body that we know as sources  of  natural skin lightening.
6. Green tea
Green tea has many benefits for the skin such as stop inflammation, slow DNA damage, and helps prevent skin from sunburn.
7. Papaya
Beside rich in vitamin C, papaya also contains a lot of vitamin A, E and antioxidants as natural skin whitening, remove dark stain and acne scars. You can use it as a facial mask or scrub. Papaya also clean up the system and expedite the menstrual cycle.
8. Egg
Egg maintains humidity of skin and amino acids contained in it stimulates the growth of new skin cells. While antioxidant called lutein and zeaxanthin are skin protective agent from ultraviolet rays.
9. Kiwi
Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, which can make the skin look naturally white. You can directly consume kiwi or use it as a mask.
10. Red beet
This vegetable rich in iron and vitamins to cleanse skin pores, improving blood flow and brighten the skin. Drink a glass of beetroot juice every day and use as mask for maximum results.
11. Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are not only good for the skin, but also the body as a whole. This vegetable is rich in vitamin, nutrient and mineral.
12. Fish
Essential fatty acids in fish such as omega 3 and omega 6 helps produce natural oil barrier on the skin, keep the skin from dryness and excess oil and these are essential fat that makes your skin look smoother and younger.
13. Water
It must not be forgotten for natural skin lightening. Water maintains skin moisture, reducing appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps cells absorb nutritional substances, removing toxin, improving circulation of blood and making the skin look radiant. Drink enough water, at least 8 glasses a day.

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