Tuesday 3 September 2013

Treat acidity and its recurrence at bay

 Bananas: Are high in potassium which is an alkalizing mineral that has a high pH value. The higher the pH value, the lower the acidity, which is why the banana is a formidable antidote to acidity. They also have a component that makes the stomach lining produce more mucous. This mucous protects the inner lining of the stomach, reducing the damage caused due to acidity. It is high in fibre content, which helps speed along digestion thus reducing the further recurrence of acidity. To make this remedy even more effective try and eat overripe bananas during an attack of acidity. They have higher amounts of potassium making it even more effective.

Cold milk: Milk has a high amount of calcium that helps it prevent acid build up and absorbs the excess acid produced thereby reducing the symptoms and the fact that it is cold provides instant relief from the burning sensation one feels during acid reflux.  It is essential that one has this cold and without any additives like sugar. Mix it with a spoon of ghee to make the remedy even more effective.

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